The Bedford Sixth Form welcomed students eager to collect their A Level results this morning leading to lots of smiles and cheers.
This year, students were able to secure places at some of the top universities in the country including Oxford, Leeds, Bath, Bristol, Durham, Queen Mary in London, Exeter, Nottingham and University College London to name a few.

After collecting their results today, twins Raeesah and Zafreen Akhtar have both decided to take higher level apprenticeships at top law firms Fox Williams and Freeths where they will spend the next 6-years training to be Solicitors.
Emily Sweet was excited that she has got the results she needed to secure her place at University College London where she is going to study Education.
Friends Josh Rennell and Elizabeth Taylor collected their results at the same time. Josh secured his place at Brighton University to study film and the aptly named Elizabeth Taylor is hoping to secure a place studying film and drama.

Beth Killen has secured her place at Warwick University to study English literature and Errycia Gayle is off to Nottingham University to study maths and economics.
Rachel Carter came along with her family to open her results in the Grand Hall and there were smiles all round for her proud parents as she secured her place at University of Hull to study history.
Raif Myers was happy with his results and is planning to take a gap year before deciding whether to go to university or do an apprenticeship.