Sixth Form has so much to offer, from building the foundations for the future you dream of, to making lifelong friends. It’s important to make the most of this opportunity – and here’s how!
Be proactive
You’ll be given your assignment dates and exam periods at the beginning of the academic year, so you can work backwards to set up an effective schedule which will allow you to study steadily rather than having to cram later in the year.
Take the initiative to discuss key dates with your tutor and put a plan in place to ensure your work is completed well within the time frames, so that you’re not racing the deadlines or being left with no time to make changes to ensure your projects are the highest standard you are capable of. Your future self will thank you so much when your classmates are pulling all-nighters before exams and you’re feeling cool and confident because you know you’ve put the work in throughout the year.
It will also help you to identify any issues you might be having so that you can get the support you need – don’t be afraid to ask as there are teams such as Student Services, Careers, and Additional Learning Support who will all be happy to assist you.

Be sociable
That plan for the year we mentioned? Include some time for much-needed socialising. Sixth Form isn’t all about work and it’s the perfect place to meet people with the same interests as you. Even if socialising sounds a bit daunting, look out for an extra-curricular activity which may help you to meet like-minded friends and try to reach out to other people on your course. You already know you’ve got at least one thing in common, after all!
For more advice on how best to make friends, read our other blog on this exact topic when you click here:
Be open-minded
Sixth Form is the perfect time to explore your options. You’ve chosen subjects you’re truly passionate about – but these could take you in so many different directions.
Whether it’s considering moving on to university or checking out apprenticeships or employment, make sure you’re keeping your mind open to all the possibilities ahead of you. Your tutors may arrange talks from industry speakers and you can always visit the Careers team for advice and guidance. Take advantage of the fairs, events and trips that are offered to you as often as you can, as these will give you the best idea of where you want your future to go.
For more tips on how to make the best out of your time at sixth form, visit our other blog on “Stepping up from GCSE to A-Levels”.
It’s worth putting time and effort into making the most of Sixth Form, as then you will get the most back.
Keep the mantra in mind to:
“Do something today that your future self will thank you for”
and you can’t go wrong.